
Downtown Winnipeg is expansive and wildly diverse. For starters, it’s home to the SHED (Sports, Hospitality and Entertainment District), which is exemplified by True North Square – a collection of towers featuring a hotel and affluent residences, a sexy food and drink hall called Hargrave Street Market, and office buildings, all connected to Canada Life Centre – home of the Winnipeg Jet and one of North America’s busiest concert venues.  

It also houses the handsome Exchange District – a National Historic Site filled with fanciful brick buildings that house some of the city’s best restaurants, galleries and cafes. Its upper floors are transformed into chic loft-style apartments and condominiums ranging from the high 3s to over 500k. As the city's theatre district, the Exchange comes alive with performances and, in the summer, is adorned with lively patios along its tree-lined sidewalks. Nearby the Exchange is the city’s Chinatown, whose charming few blocks contain a tranquil public garden and excellent dim sum.

Sub neighbourhoods include:  Armstrong Point, Broadway-Assiniboine, centennial, Central Park, China Town, Civic centre, Colony, Exchange District, Logan-C.P.R., Portage-Ellice, South Portage, Spence, West Alexander, West Broadway

Points of Interest

Points of Interest

Economic Development Winnipeg

Suite 810, One Lombard Place
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Canada R3B 0X3
1 855 PEG CITY (734-2489)

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