Data Tables
Excel-lent Data Sets
To provide information required by site selectors, EDW offers a series of data tables in Excel format.
The tables are based on industry standards provided by the International Economic Developers Council (IEDC). A key deliverable of this effort was the provision of an updatable toolkit that would help guide the data collection, analysis, and delivery of information focused on the Winnipeg region and its community investment readiness.
Factors taken into account in assembling these tables include the following:
- market characteristics (local and regional)
- costs (labour, transportation, etc.)
- natural resources (availability and quality)
- infrastructure
- policy structure
- and finally, business support and promotion
Availability of Labour
- Apprenticeship Enrollment (xlsx 93.71 KB)
- Demographics (xlsx 109.43 KB)
- Educational Qualifications of the Population (xlsx 110.82 KB)
- High School Graduates (xlsx 79.9 KB)
- Labour Force (xlsx 102.65 KB)
- Post-Secondary Enrollment - ISCED and STEM (xlsx 84.96 KB)
- Post-Secondary Enrollment by Degree Type (xlsx 113.31 KB)
- Post-Secondary Enrollment by Program Field (xlsx 133.55 KB)
- Post-Secondary Graduates - ISCED and STEM (xlsx 83.96 KB)
- Post-Secondary Graduation by Degree Type (xlsx 90.78 KB)
- Post-Secondary Graduation by Program Field (xlsx 97.83 KB)
- Training Institutions (xlsx 40.61 KB)
- Workforce by Occupation (xlsx 106.5 KB)
- Workforce Educational Qualifications (xlsx 92.09 KB)
- Average Salaries by NOC (xlsx 94.97 KB)
- Commercial Real Estate (xlsx 89.85 KB)
- Construction Costs (xlsx 85.46 KB)
- Corporate Income Tax Rates (xlsx 78.78 KB)
- Financial Statement Calculator by Sector (xlsx 104.18 KB)
- Industrial Real Estate (xlsx 79.89 KB)
- Trucking and Rail Freight Costs (xlsx 143.07 KB)
- Trucking and Rail Freight Costs - Extension (xlsx 149.63 KB)
- Trucking Costs - Summary (xlsx 63.31 KB)
- Winnipeg Employers and Recent Additions/Expansions (xlsx 47.82 KB)
- Winnipeg's Largest Employers (xlsx 43.15 KB)
- Employment Actual & Forecasts - Manitoba & Canada Wide (xlsx 91.6 KB)
- Employment Actual & Forecasts - Winnipeg, Manitoba & Canada Wide (xlsx 93.69 KB)
- GDP and GDP Growth (xlsx 135.68 KB)
- Industry Capital Expenditures (xlsx 97.56 KB)
- Industry Payroll (xlsx 106.72 KB)
- Labour Productivity (xlsx 283 KB)
- Multifactor Productivity (xlsx 110.82 KB)
Living Cost
- Cost of Living and Quality of Life (xlsx 87.21 KB)
- Taxation (xlsx 87.44 KB)
- Travel Time to Work (xlsx 85.68 KB)
- Comparable Electric Power Selling Price Indexes (xlsx 80.32 KB)
- Cost of Utilities Time Series (xlsx 81.13 KB)
- Cost of Utilities Time Series by Category MB and Canada (xlsx 81.56 KB)
- Cost of Utilities Timeseries by Category Winnipeg CMA & Canada (xlsx 82.11 KB)
- Detailed Utility Costs - Electricity Rates, Taxes & Customer Monthly Bills (xlsx 96.72 KB)
- Detailed Utility Costs - Water & Wastewater (xlsx 75.59 KB)