
Located in the city's northwest, Inkster is a testament to community vibrancy and cultural richness. While embracing its industrial spaces and bustling main roads, the neighbourhood thrives with the energy and traditions of its large and vibrant Filipino community. This cultural influence is beautifully reflected in the array of Filipino cuisine available, adding a unique flavour to the area's diverse dining scene. 

Inkster is also known for its green spaces and recreational facilities, offering residents and visitors alike several well-maintained parks and various athletic options to enjoy. The real estate market in Inkster presents a valuable opportunity for potential homeowners, with spacious two-storey, three-bathroom homes available at attractive prices, often below $300k, making it an inviting area for families and individuals looking for a blend of urban convenience and community warmth.

Sub neighbourhoods include: Brooklands, Burrows-Keewatin, Shaughnessy Park, Weston, Inkster Gardens, Tyndall Park.

Points of Interest

Points of Interest

Economic Development Winnipeg

Suite 810, One Lombard Place
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Canada R3B 0X3
1 855 PEG CITY (734-2489)

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